DaCi is an outward looking global organisation that connects leaders of dance for children and young people. Members look beyond their countries to share interests and practices both online through the daCi Connect network, in regional collaborative activities such as Twinning, Outreach and Across Borders Research -and every three years in a locally organised world conference.
In these ways, daCi generates and maintains collegial relationships across the globe for adults and young people, through the personal collective joy of learning as creators, performers and critical viewers of dance. Publications are a key feature of daCi’s work with a long history of research, reports and articles from the intersecting fields of dance studies and dance education including creative and performative practices as well as dance pedagogies, curriculum and policies.
daCi membership is for anyone interested or involved in the growth and development of dance for children and young people: Dance teachers, Dance groups, Artists, Researchers, Educators, Therapists, Artistic directors, Choreographers, Dancers, Philanthropists. This includes public school teachers, administrators, policy makers, private dance studio personnel, associations, businesses, corporations as well as dance researchers and scholars.
Membership levels - there are four different levels of daCi membership:
Membership benefits:
Get involved!
daCi is committed to practising equity whenever possible, so we have created membership fees calculated for country economic parity according to international data. If you have questions about your membership payment, please contact your National Representative or email info@daci.international
USA members, please pay via the daCi USA website and then remember to email your contact info to secretary@daci.interntional to be added to the International Mailing List.
Please find your membership level below and note that you will be prompted to create a new account and password to process payment: